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HLTAID004 Provide emergency First Aid in an education and care setting

 Duration: 6 hours and pre course workbook  

Cost $185

HLTAID004 Provide emergency First Aid in an education and care setting

HLTAID004 Provide Emergency First Aid in an education and care setting is the industry standard, Nationally Recognised (AQF) Approved First Aid course for both the general public and workplaces that require first aid trained staff.

This course is specifically designed to satisfy the first aid requirements for Schools and Registered Children's Services. This Course incorporates HLTAID003 Provide First Aid, Asthma & Anaphylaxis first aid management. Under the Ministerial Order, this qualification will be the standard in the near future.

Course Contents

  • First Aid Principles

  • Basic Life Support

  • Infection Control & Hygiene

  • Legal Aspects of First Aid

  • Incident Approach and Management

  • Patient Assessment

  • Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

  • Automated External Defibrillation (AED)

  • Choking and Airway Obstruction

  • Bleeding Control

  • Shock

  • Crush Injuries

  • Needle Stick Injuries

  • Ear & Eye injuries

  • Abdominal Injuries

  • Burns and Scalds

  • Head, Neck & Spinal injuries

  • Fractures, Dislocations & Soft Tissue Injuries

  • Medical conditions

  • Asthma Risks and Emergencies in the Workplace

  • First Aid Management of Anaphylaxis

  • Heat and cold emergencies

  • Drowning

  • Cardiac Conditions

  • Stroke

  • Poisoning & Envenomation


The Provide First Aid course includes both a theoretical and practical assessment component. Theory assessment includes the completion of a multiple choice theory paper and for initial certification, the completion of a pre-course workbook learning module.

Practical Assessment includes a formal assessment of practical skills including resuscitation skills. Please note all participants must be able to perform at least two minutes of uninterrupted CPR on both an infant resuscitation manikin and an adult resuscitation manikin placed on the floor with correct technique, to be marked as competent.



On successful completion of this First Aid course, participants will be awarded the nationally accredited statement of attainment.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

From 1 January 2015 when you attend a first aid course (nationally recognised training) you will need to have a USI.

A USI will give you access to your online USI account which will contain all your nationally recognised training records and results from 1 January 2015 onwards.

This is a requirement of the Australian Government Department of Industry.

Healthguard is a Registered Training Organisation and must comply with Government Legislation to maintain our registration. As of the 1 January 2015 we will be unable to issue you a Statement of Attainment for your course until you supply us with your USI.


Visit the USI website at:

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