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Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the #1 Killer in Australia and it is estimated that over 25,000 people suffer a cardiac arrest outside of hospital every year of which only 10% survive. More than that, every 1 minute that passes without the effective application of CPR and an AED, the chance of survival drops by 10%.


5 minutes into an SCA the chance of survival drops by 50%


Early application of effective CPR and an AED is of absolute importance. Raising awareness combined with the increased accessibility of Public Access AEDs is critical.


Every Minute Matters because Every Life Matters


To help raise awareness, increase public access and to ultimately save lives, Healthguard First Aid

 is running a FREE CPR WORKSHOP.



WHEN: October 16th

WHERE: Healthguard First Aid

TIME:  11:30 - 1:30


Numbers are limited so be fast, this is a free and unaccredited workshop.

Restart a Heart Day
Restart a Heart Day
16 Oct 2018, 11:30 am
Healthguard First Aid Training services
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